A script something like my 'files.cgi' that reads a directory at a time.
When displaying a directory, all of its md contents are links including navigation to refresh self and to go to an upper level directory (except need a safety mechanism to stay inside its sandbox)
A directory can optionally contain a config file which tells the script cgi to display arbitrary information about the folder too.
A link to a markdown file will display the formatted contents of that file with the usual navigation options
For me, updating the blog will consist only of adding files to directories or creating new sub directories.
later considr using a scrpt that updates directly from gitea repo of md files
Use Python Use git to manage content
''' this cgi can be called on a dir or on a file if a dir... it should print an html head/ and body structure with eligible files and dir's listed
if a file, it should confirm file is eligible (ie. is markdown or something acceptable) and then process it
processing a markdown file means to print the std. html head & body then print the markdown converted into html
when printing a list of files in a dir, there are two kinds of eligble files: eligible for processing and eligible for linking
files eligble for processing will be listed with a self-ref link to this cgi script with the file as its input argument
files eligible for linking will be listed as an html link to open that file. linking files will typically be html files or other cgi scripts '''
[X] relearn basic (very basic) cgi and confirm I can use python [_] demo markdown processing on the fly