AYLY is the working title of the website for trans femmes in halifax that I'm thinking of launching.
This project is meant to offer something concrete to trans femmes looking for ways to meet with and connect with other femmes in Halifax.
Put part of myself forward in a public manner, using a semi pseudonymous persona named Aunt Yyanu. Share my personal experience and hint at the rich variety of experiences of other femmes in the area. Where ever possible share news and events and other connections.
Whenever possible, introduce other people who are available to connect with other femmes.
Document my learning, my goals, my shortcomings, my wishes, my joy, my sadness.
Publish a low-fi simple old-school homepage. A blog, using the simplest possible technology. Use all the knowledge and skills I can muster personally or from my team mates to keep it simple.
For a proposed site-map follow this linke: site map
The design concept is personal, low-key, naieve, homespun. Thing geocities... mini wiki or blog style.
I want to compose at the terminal or through a git client on my phone in markdown. I would
[] home page [] contact page * about me page * reference pages (with links and reading lists) * blog entries
NA is concerned about my ignorance of our history. I've got a reading list assignment. I can share the list and my progress and learnings. I hope.